Journaling Prompts:
In this seasonal transition, what is my relationship to rest?
What can slowing down offer me and my creative self?
In this seasonal transition, how will I make space to rest and dream?
In this seasonal transition, how can I honor my inner knowing?
Point Palette:
KD 27 ‘Spirit Mansion’ Soothe the heart. “Attend to what is coming to life within us in order to bring our gifts more skillfully out into the world” Laurie Dechar
KD 3 ‘Greater Mountain Stream’ Earth point on the Kidney meridian. Source Point. Brings replenishing earthly nourishment, strength, and endurance to our spirit and physical bodies. Settles agitation to bring ease. “From the greater mountain stream, water flows from the source, rising up from the ground in a gushing torrent of life force that quenches, nourishes, and awakens us at the level of body, soul and spirit.”
GB 37 ‘Bright and Clear’ luo point. Clarify vision and open the eyes (physically and psychospiritually). Instills courage. Brings harmony to uncontrollable emotions, frustration, and inappropriate aggression. “ When we access the spirit-level wisdom of this point, it offers an illumination that can penetrate the haze…”
LR 3 ‘Supreme Rushing’ - Fosters the free flow of Qi in the body. Moves stagnation throughout the physical and emotional body.
LU 9 ‘Supreme Abyss’ When grief is consuming, Lung 9 helps us expand our capacity to hold it. This point brings a breath of fresh air to the lungs and the heart “ The greatness of this point reminds us that the depths are connected to the Heavens. The breath lifts the Po soul up from its state of Yin isolation and interiority into a lively connection with the sensory world.”
Yin Tang ‘Hall of Impressions’ Eases worry and agitation, soothes mental tension, supports clarity of mind and spiri
Flower Essence:
Trumpet Vine: Softens rigidity in the shoulders, throat, and jaw. chin lifts. Useful in making space for clarity to flow– expression of inner truth. Supports articulation and color in verbal expression.
Acupoint for Flower Essence Application:
PC8 'Ghost Cave' Helps the outward reaching and connecting nature of the passionate, creative, and vulnerable fire of the heart.
Ghost Point wisdom “ a person retrieve their own resources that are hidden in the cave of help them clear away the fog of misconception and fear so that they can see their own light and feel their own authentic passion." -Laurie Dechar ‘Kigo’
Essential Oil:
Hinoki (Japanese cypress, Chamaecyparis obtusa)
Promotes relaxation
Calms anxiety and insomnia
Supports immunity
Creates an atmosphere of reverance
Plant of deep significance in Japanese culture with a rich history of spiritual use
Hinoki Cautions/Contraindications
Generally considered safe and non-toxic
Dilute in carrier oil or lotion
Make sure it is sustainably sourced - (we recommend Enfleurage brand)