DayDream Brave Space Guidelines

Foundation setting for our brave space and why we don’t claim to be a safe space:


by Micky Scottbey Jones

Together we will create brave space

Because there is no such thing as a “safe space”

We exist in the real world

We all carry scars and we have all caused wounds.

In this space

We seek to turn down the volume of the outside world.

We amplify voices that fight to be heard elsewhere,

We call each other to more truth and love

We have the right to start somewhere and continue to grow. We have the responsibility to examine what we think we know. We will not be perfect.

It will not always be what we wish it to be


It will be our brave space together,


We will work on it side by side.


Daydream Clinic centers social justice work as essential to healing within individuals, relationships, and communities. We would love to offer you a safe space. However, we live in a world where systems of oppression have created conditions that are inherently unsafe for many of us, and we do not wish to ignore this reality. What feels safe for one person may be the very thing that feels unsafe for their neighbor. Instead of assuming that we know about other people’s experience of safety, we ask folks to imagine and create a shared brave space. By acknowledging the ways we may feel unsafe in our lives, we are able to come together and create new paradigms. So we challenge our community to step into a brave space. In this way we move toward healing spaces that are genuine and inclusive. We recognize that conflict and constructive feedback are tools that may come with discomfort but ultimately…

Where safe spaces can be:

Polite at the cost of authenticity

Impersonal for the sake of the group identity

Avoidant of topics that may stir conflict (not trying to ruffle any feathers)

Focused on positive intent (love and light)

Encourage everyone not to take things personally (ignoring lived experience)

Create a sense of cohesion by avoiding disagreement

In Brave spaces we:

Authentically engage and take risks

Deeply listen to others and deeply share from our lived experience

Collectively imagine our way forward

Build lasting group cohesion by learning to consider how other experiences may differ from our own

Lean into discomfort as a step forward

Recognize that we are all learning

Encourage vulnerability as a form of strength

Are accountable for our words and actions as well as our intent


Community Guidelines are shared before the start of the session via email and are reviewed at the first meeting. At that time, we can set additional agreements that are specific to each Circle.

  • Speak when you have the mic

  • The mic moves in one direction (which will be moderated by the group facilitator)

  • You have the right to pass when you have the mic

  • Speak from your own experience - we want to hear your truth!

  • Avoid cross talk (commenting, giving advice or speaking directly to another’s personal share) to encourage acceptance of one’s own experience. Let’s genuinely hear, see, and hold space for one another

  • Confidentiality. What is discussed in our brave space will stay within this healing group

  • Commitment and continuity - commit to attending all sessions as a way to show up for your healing and the transformation that occurs within a brave space. Show up on time. Be accountable if you are unable to attend a session. Prepare to discuss what healing means for you personally and to express your commitment to your own healing process

  • We all are perfectly imperfect. We accept that things may come up for us in a brave space that may be initially overwhelming. We commit to not attempting to ‘fix’ each other, even if the intention is good. We are all exploring methods of self regulation, and are responsible for our own responses. (Please journal a short self care plan that you can share (or not share) for moments when things come up, feel stressful, or overwhelming.)

  • Online formats - please prepare a private, quiet, and relaxing space to experience our group. Please download and do not share the zoom login information with anyone else.

  • In Person formats - Please adhere to the current Covid safety guidelines

Please keep in mind:

DayDream offers peer support groups that give folks a place to connect. Unlike traditional support groups, we come together based on the intention to support our communities by focusing on our own personal healing journey. We may or may not have a lot in common, depending on the group. Our common thread is that we are committed to caring for ourselves, our communities, and our shared experience of humanity. We do this through the lens of Traditional East Asian Medicine, and other lineages of Folk + Indigenous Traditions that teach a cyclical/nature based world view. We offer earth based attunement practices led by skilled practitioners. We work in connection with traditional paths, seasonal healing, and believe that every single person deserves compassion and care. Although we may offer special focus groups, support groups and healing circles are not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any diagnosed or undiagnosed conditions. We recommend these groups as an adjunct to mental health and medical care by licensed professionals. Our groups are meant to provide stress reduction, support, and new skills for folks that are experiencing a variety of challenges. However, due to the nature of each group we cannot provide in depth support. Our practitioners and Circle Keepers are not able to provide 1:1 counseling or care, but may recommend other practitioners at DayDream Clinic or other care providers and institutions.